Rago Adventures

We offer a guided tour with packraft, and take you on a magical experience in the Storskogelva at Rago National Park.

Packraft is an easily inflatable "kayak" of approx. 4 kilograms. With the packraft you get close to the water and it is easy to handle and very stable. We start the trip by carrying the equipment approx 4 kilometers in slightly hilly terrain up the valley. We walk along the river and up Nordskaret, approx. 100 meters above the river. Once up, we can enjoy the view and drink water from the clear mountain stream at the top.

From Nordskaret it is approx. 1.5 km in hilly terrain before we cross the National Park border and enter Rago National Park. The trip continues further into the National Park and down towards the river again, where we find a nice place for a good break.

The paddling trip starts after we have received a review of safety and use of the packraft. The trip down the clear and clean river is like an adventure. We paddle calmly, and let the river take us slowly down through gentle bends and shallow rapids.

Eventually we come below the Litiverivassforsen, and it is something very special to see the waterfall from this angle and at the same time look up at the sky and feel the calm in the majestic valley. A little further down the river, we go ashore at some nice sandbanks, where we make coffee while enjoying the lunch we brought.

When we board the packrafts again after the break, all we have to do is sit back and enjoy the magical silence while the clear water takes us down the Storskogelva. The river gets stronger as we approach Storfossen, and we have to go ashore and carry the equipment approx. 300 meters before we paddle further down the river again.

For the last part of the trip, the river is calm again, and when we reach the path we passed on the way up, we go ashore. Here we pack up the equipment and return to Lakshol. 

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